Exterior Painting in Lexington MA

Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting in Lexington MA

Need a little curb appeal? It all starts with exterior house painting. You can choose Jose’s Painting knowing we will have your home looking brand new with a professional finish down to the smallest details. Our team dependable exterior painting professionals will tackle your list of painting jobs. Beginning with a complete prep work all the way to finish. Always using two coats of grade A paint to make your house stand out from all the others. 

Our crew are trained craftsmen with years of experience whose skills and expertise ensure selection of the right products and applications for your home. We take the time to do it right through careful and thorough preparation to improve the quality and integrity of your paint job. While other exterior house painting companies require a deposit before a project begins, we won’t ask for a cent until all the work is completed.

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Exterior Painting

Learn About

Lexington, MA

What is now Lexington was originally part of Cambridge, which was established in 1630. From the early 17th century until its incorporation as a town in 1713, Lexington was known by the name of "Cambridge North Precinct" or more commonly, "Cambridge Farms. In the 17th century most of the land that is now Lexington was granted or sold in large tracts to proprietors who lived in Cambridge but used the outlying Lexington land for wood lots or hayfields. The date of the first settlement in "Cambridge Farms" is not known, although old deeds tell us that there was at least one house standing by 1642. Settlement occurred slowly, and in 1682 there were approximately 30 families or 180 persons at the Farms. Faced with a five to ten mile journey to the nearest place of worship, the inhabitants of the Farms began efforts in 1682 to establish themselves as a separate parish. On December 15, 1691 the General Court finally granted their request. The residents of the Farms assembled for the first time as a separate parish in April 1692 and a simple meeting-house was quickly erected at the junction of the Concord and Bedford Roads (now Massachusetts Avenue and Bedford Street). A burial ground had been established nearby by 1690.

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Before & Afters


Exterior Painting
Exterior Painting
Kitchen Corner
Kitchen Corner
Kitchen Side
Kitchen Side
Family Room
Family Room
Floors 2
Floors 2
Sun Room
Sun Room

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Exterior Painting

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