Exterior Painting in Natick MA

Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting in Natick MA

Need a little curb appeal? It all starts with exterior house painting. You can choose Jose’s Painting knowing we will have your home looking brand new with a professional finish down to the smallest details. Our team dependable exterior painting professionals will tackle your list of painting jobs. Beginning with a complete prep work all the way to finish. Always using two coats of grade A paint to make your house stand out from all the others. 

Our crew are trained craftsmen with years of experience whose skills and expertise ensure selection of the right products and applications for your home. We take the time to do it right through careful and thorough preparation to improve the quality and integrity of your paint job. While other exterior house painting companies require a deposit before a project begins, we won’t ask for a cent until all the work is completed.

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Exterior Painting

Learn About

Natick, MA

Natick is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. It is near the center of the MetroWest region of Massachusetts, with a population of 32,786 at the 2010 census. The name Natick comes from the language of the Massachusett Native American tribe and is commonly thought to mean "Place of Hills." A more accurate translation may be "place of [our] searching," after John Eliot's successful search for a location for his Praying Indian settlement. On this day in 1781, Natick was formally incorporated, but the town already had a long history. In 1651, a group of Christianized Indians had founded a "Praying Town" in what is now South Natick. Led by the missionary John Eliot, the Indians built an English-style village. For 25 years the town prospered. Then, with the outbreak of King Philip's War, the colonial authorities imprisoned all Christianized Indians on an island in Boston Harbor. After the war, the Natick Indians struggled to re-establish their community. They failed, but their history was not forgotten. In 2001, the people of Natick observed the 350th anniversary of the "Praying Indian" settlement that gave birth to their town.

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Before & Afters


Kitchen Corner
Kitchen Corner
Power Washing
Power Washing
Dining Room
Dining Room
Kitchen Angle
Kitchen Angle
Kitchen Side
Kitchen Side
Floors 2
Floors 2

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Exterior Painting

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